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Air filter bidding of Wenzhou Medical University
Date:2021-04-20   Hits:6237

Air filter bidding of Wenzhou Medical University, WZMC-2013018 gradient PCR project
Air filter cleaning first spirit, the spirit of clean air filter factory is the largest area of Southern China, consulting Li Gong 15914315027
A tender announcement of Wenzhou Medical University, about 8 WZMC-201301 gradient PCR 6 equipment
The announcement date: February 20, 2014
According to the "Regulations of the people's Republic of China Government Procurement Law", approved by the government procurement management department, Wenzhou Medical University open tender on the gradient PCR 6 equipment, welcome domestic qualified suppliers to bid.
One, purchase order number: WZMC-201301 8
Procurement organization types: decentralized procurement self organization
Two, the content of the tender:
Section name of project technical specifications and requirements of the number of notes
5 pure ultrapure water system, with 1 city tap water as the water, the continuous production of III (pure water) and I (ultra) water.
2, pure water production;
2.1 ion rejection 97-98%;
2.2 organic matter retention (MW > 200 Dalton) > 99%;
2.3 bacteria and particles > 99%;
2.4 system can monitor and display the reverse osmosis membrane interception rate;
The flow rate of 2.5: > 6 L/h.
3 ultra pure water quality:
3.1: 18.2M Ω -cm@25 ℃ (resistivity with temperature compensation and non temperature compensated two models)
3.2 of the total organic carbon content (TOC): ≤ 5ppb (μ g/L), can monitor and display
3.3 endotoxin < 0.001EU/ml;
3.4 RNA < 0.01ng/ml;
3.5 DNA < 4pg/ml;
3.6 bacterial < 0.1cfu/ml;
The 3.7 particles (> 0.22 μ m) < 1 /ml
3.8 ultra pure water resistance cell constant: 0.01cm 1;
The flow rate of 3.9 50ml - 2000ml: /min adjustable.
4, the system can monitor the whole process of water, respectively, detect and display the retention rate of water, pure water, ultra pure water conductivity and RO film.
5, the system built in TOC display, online real-time display in ultra pure water level of TOC.
The 6 part, ultra pure water with 185nm UV lamp, used to reduce the water level of TOC; water portion has a 254nm UV lamp, used to kill bacteria, so as to ensure the quality of water in the water tank;
Conical bottom 7 system equipped with PE profile blow prepared light 30 L water tank, water tank with liquid level display control module, air import and export have sterilization, 2 CO filters and volatile organic compounds;
8 water quality parameters can be automatically recorded, historical data storage system for one year, and through the RS232 print quality parameters.
9 basic configuration:
The 9.1 host system, 1 sets of;
The 9.2 water pretreatment component, 2 sets of;
9.3 pretreatment column, 2 sets of;
9.4 super purification columns, 1 sets of;
9.560 L PE water tank, 1;
9.6 tank air filter, 2;
Pill cleaning 9.7, box 2;
9.8 0.22 μ m terminal filter, 2. 2 allowed to impor
Note: suppliers can bid for all sections, but also to the one bid quotation.
Three, the bidder qualification requirements:
"Government procurement law" conforms to the requirements of the people's Republic of China on the tender subject.
The specific conditions:
The registered capital of RMB 500000 yuan (including) the above.
Four, the bidding documents at the time and place:
1, the bidding documents available at the time and methods: from February 20, 2014 to the deadline for the submission of tender documents (except legal holidays): 8:30-11:30 morning; afternoon: 13:30-16:30
2, access to the tender documents location: room 109 concentric floor chashanjiaoqu Wenzhou Medical University
3, the price for bidding documents: RMB 200 (non refundable after sale)
Five, when the application must provide the following information:
1, to provide the enterprise legal person business license copy inspection before (affixed with the official seal);
2, for the valid identity certificate registration and the legal representative power of attorney (affixed with the official seal);
3, pay bid bond bank wire copy or computer print document;
4, the bidding suppliers list, Download Web site:
Http://gzc.wzmc.edu.cn/zlxz/bg/cg/ C g/266349.shtml
Six, the deadline for submission of bid documents: 2014 March 12th morning 8: 45
Seven, the place for submitting bids: room chashanjiaoqu Tongren building D106 meeting of the Wenzhou Medical University
Eight, bid opening time: 8:45 a.m. March 12, 2014
Nine, the place: room chashanjiaoqu Tongren building D106 meeting of the Wenzhou Medical University
Ten, the tender deposit:
Standard amount (RMB: yuan)
Delivery method: telegraphic, net and so on, do not support the cash (bid security shall be submitted by a prior to the time of working days before the tender documents to account)
User name: Wenzhou Medical University
Bank: Bank of South Branch
Account number: 120321900906400242
Eleven, other matters:
1, online registration: the supplier shall be in accordance with the "Interim Measures" provisions of the Zhejiang provincial government procurement suppliers registered and integrity management, in the "Zhejiang province government procurement network (http://www.zjzfcg.gov.cn)" on the supplier registration.
2, the qualification: qualification after the trial system. Accept the application or submit bidding documents do not indicate that has obtained the qualification for bidding, bid opening meeting through the qualification of bidding are bidding qualification.
3, the announcement in Zhejiang government procurement network, Wenzhou Medical University web publishing, if not, please telephone consultation.
Contact information
The purchaser name: Wenzhou Medical University
Location: ventricular concentric floor chashanjiaoqu 109 Wenzhou Medical University
Tel: 0577-86699052
Fax: 0577-86699371
Contact: Mr. Wu
Annex: tender documents -WZMC-2013018 gradient PCR

Wenzhou Medical University

Two, one four February 20th

Air filter cleaning first spirit, the spirit of clean air filter factory is the largest area of Southern China, consulting 4008-727374

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From:Guangzhou Lingjie Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. http://www.linjec.com
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